This season strawberry prices are 15-20% higher than in 2005
According to data of the Ministry of Agriculture of AR Crimea, as of beginning of 2006 strawberry was industrially produced on the area of a little bit more than 120 ha in the region. Industrial strawberry beds occupy around 30% of overall strawberry acreage in AR Crimea. Opened Joint Stock Company "Druzhba Narodov Frukty" owns nearly one half of the mentioned acreage.
This enterprise is among the first to harvest strawberry in Crimea; small shipments of product are supplied to supermarkets, large shipments go outside the region.
Early June private producers harvest strawberry too; they are the main suppliers of this berry to the markets of Simferopol and other towns of Crimea. First strawberry was sold for $3.92-6.86/kg this year; then the prices decreased and stabilized on level of $1.96-2.35/kg for quality commodities. By evening sellers used to reduce price 30-50% in order to get rid from perishable strawberries.
Comparing to the same period of time in pervious year average prices are $0.19-0.39/kg, or 15-25% higher in 2006. Market analysts explain this fact by some decrease of gross harvest due to winter frosts and also by increased demand for this berry. But, price growth is not more than 5% comparing to 2004. We'll remind that strawberry harvest was significantly lower because of frosts in the period of berry blooming.
Strawberry season is very swift-flowing; Alexander Lekhno, the Market Information Specialist of Crimean office, Agricultural Marketing Project, says strawberry season lasts for 1-1.5 months. However, there are perpetual remontant strawberry varieties which yield late September-October in Crimea. According to past year experience, the price for second strawberry harvest is twice as high; to the specialist's opinion, producers should pay attention to such business opportunity.