Ukraine: Mushroom Prices Are Rising Again
As experts of CIS fruit and vegetable business project think "Agrooglyad: Vegetables and Fruits" , from the beginning of the week, prices for oyster mushroom and champignon in Ukraine began to increase gradually. Market players explain this circumstance by the established hot weather, that, in its turn, explains insufficient supply of mushrooms as a whole. Market players also observe that lately demand for oyster mushroom and champignon increased insignificantly caused by the regular fast, which will last to the end of August.
Now, the champignon wholesale prices are accounted for UAH 12-14/ kilo, and for oyster mushroom - ranged from UAH 9 to13/ kilo depending on the quality and volume of a consignment. According to most producers, the current situation at the market can be similar to the beginning of October, this year, until large lots of mushrooms from seasonal producers enter the market.
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