- 08/18/2008 17:19 Russia: Dagestan to harvest lower grape crop because of drought
- 08/18/2008 17:10 Ukraine: drought threatens watermelon and melon harvest
- 08/18/2008 16:13 Russia: prices for potatoes still higher than last year
- 08/18/2008 12:29 Drought in Yakutia seriously impaired vegetable and fruit harvest
- 08/18/2008 09:26 Date of duty-free import of vegetables and fruits to Moldova expired
- 08/15/2008 09:56 Russia: China may take on Poland on the export volumes of apples
- 08/15/2008 09:44 Agrofusion to take 50% of the Ukrainian market of tomato paste
- 08/14/2008 18:05 Russia: prices for green house tomatoes remain high in the central region
- 08/14/2008 17:47 Ukraine: prices for watermelons down by 30%
- 08/14/2008 16:34 Ukraine: prices for frozen blueberry up
- 08/14/2008 10:35 Wine terminal to be constructed in St.-Petersburg
- 08/14/2008 09:13 Belarus to increase vegetable shipments to Russia
- 08/14/2008 08:55 Kazakhstan: potato harvest to forecast at 160.000 tonnes in Pavlograd oblast
- 08/13/2008 13:43 Dagestan: farms harvested 30% of potato crop
- 08/13/2008 13:19 Ukraine: prices for peaches down from the last year
- 08/13/2008 10:36 Ukraine is not satisfied with trading policy of EU
- 08/13/2008 10:18 Russia: organic vegetable-growing do not develop due to absence of legislative base
- 08/13/2008 09:32 New high-technology green houses to appear in Sakhalin oblast
- 08/12/2008 15:38 Russian processors started apple procurement
- 08/12/2008 12:17 Grape harvest in Dagestan to be not lower than last year
- 08/12/2008 12:00 Next week Moldova to start mass harvesting of table varieties of grape
- 08/12/2008 08:38 Uzbekistan: fruit harvest increased by 15% in the first half year
- 08/11/2008 14:52 Kazakhstan: bad harvest caused rise in prices for carrot in the south of the country
- 08/11/2008 09:23 Vegetable harvesting continues in the farms of Astrakhan oblast
- 08/08/2008 11:07 Belarus: commodity exchange on vegetables sales to be created in Minsk
- 08/08/2008 11:01 Yellow watermelons to be sold in Moscow
- 08/07/2008 17:47 Ukraine: prices for cucumbers down by autumn
- 08/07/2008 17:10 NBCA: Uzbek producers of fruits and vegetables bear losses due to export restrictions
- 08/07/2008 09:58 Russia to see seasonal price-cutting for vegetables and fruits
- 08/07/2008 09:40 Estonia: vegetable harvest down