- 10/10/2002 17:22 Ukrainian farmers harvested nearly 7.8 mln t sugar beets
- 10/10/2002 17:21 Ukrainian farmers collected 2.279 mln t of maize grain
- 10/07/2002 15:36 Ukrainian farmers applied 3 mln t of organic and 32,000 t of mineral fertilisers under winter crops seeded
- 10/02/2002 20:04 The Netherlands invested EUR680,000 into Kyiv bakery plant No. 6
- 10/01/2002 15:16 EU might ban imports of Ukrainian dry milk
- 09/30/2002 13:30 Germany will allocate EUR5 million for Ukrainian farm sector development
- 09/27/2002 11:59 Vladivostok seaport is ready to grain export transhipments
- 09/27/2002 11:55 Grain price increase will resume after October 10 - government of Ukraine
- 09/26/2002 16:43 Sunseed export duty not likely to be cancelled - just reduced: Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine
- 09/26/2002 11:19 Russia: sugar auction earning became the highest ever
- 09/25/2002 15:20 Parliament of Ukraine considered bill about cancellation of seasonal duties
- 09/25/2002 11:59 Ukraine became a member of International Dairy Federation
- 09/25/2002 11:57 Ukrainian association of sugar producers suggests introducing mortgage price for sugar
- 09/25/2002 10:55 Russia: Novosibirsk authorities about the issue of grain excesses
- 09/24/2002 18:27 Russia: rail transportation rates lowered 20pc
- 09/23/2002 18:26 Russia: government will make intervention in the grain market… if it gets the money
- 09/23/2002 11:39 Lithuanian government pays $112 per tonne of wheat
- 09/19/2002 15:59 Ukraine: Parliament to ratify agreement about IBRD loan
- 09/19/2002 12:48 Ukraine: International Exhibition "Poultry Breeding 2002" opened near Kharkiv
- 09/18/2002 21:31 USA to help Crimea solve the issue of land sharing
- 09/18/2002 21:31 Khleb Ukrainy cut other companies from exporting grain through Odesa elevator
- 09/18/2002 21:31 The number of profitable farms in Ukraine may decrease
- 09/18/2002 21:09 Prime Minister of Ukraine about complex approach to VAT refund issue
- 09/18/2002 16:58 Kazakhstan bans meat imports form some countries
- 09/18/2002 12:33 Ukraine: cancelling sunseed export duty would entail great losses for the country - expert
- 09/17/2002 15:15 Ukraine: agrarian ministry cut its sunflower crop forecast
- 09/17/2002 11:43 Ukraine: total grain sales 44pc up from last year
- 09/17/2002 10:48 Ukraine proposes that Russia lift its special duty on butter
- 09/16/2002 16:43 Ukraine: weather concerns in Polissya regions
- 09/16/2002 16:42 Ukraine to reduce duties on imports of hop - Agrarian Ministry